An Organisation is a set of users responsible for a set of sites and clusters.
All OGO Users have a Role in at least one Organisation.
Each Site and each Cluster is the responsibility of a single organisation, known as the Owner.
For an organisation to add a new site, a Cluster must be delegated to it in Use mode.
When a user is connected to the OGO dashboard, they can :
- Select the current organisation
- Invite a new user to the current organisation
- Create a new organisation
- Change the owner of an organisation
Select the current organisation
In the top bar, you can change the current organisation by clicking the box below. Ifnecessary, you can create a new organisation.
Invite a new user to join the current organisation
Invite a new user to join the current organisation
If you have the Owner or Administrator role for the organisation, you can invite a user to join the current organisation by assigning them a role in the My Account/My Organisation menu, Users tab:
To invite the user, enter their email address in full. If the user is already an OGO user, access to your organisation will be added with the role indicated. Otherwise, the address will be used to send them an email inviting them to join OGO.
Change the owner of an organisation
As the owner of an organisation, you can transfer ownership to another user of the organisation. To do this, enter the new owner's email address in full.
Only a user invited by the organisation can be designated as the new owner.